A secret power, a clash of light and dark, a forest, an adventure, and a struggle for a better life

The plot of the next teen thiller? No, just the speeches from another enjoyable Speech Contest evening at Hamwic Speakers!

On Tuesday, 25 February, our club held our 2014 Toastmasters International Speech and Evaluation contests. The night was full of wit, wisdom, and winners – every single one of our contestants was brave enough to challenge themselves and compete, and they all have a lot to be proud of!

International Speech Contest 2014

The International Speech Contest is run annually by Toastmasters, and contestants present original prepared speeches. Our club’s contest featured four very talented speakers. Anne Harrison shared her secret power of event planning with us so it can be ours too, Dominic Bottrell engaged us with a story about his friend Will the Woodcutter, Robin Poole recounted a ‘Vantastic’ tale about his escapades while moving to a new house, and Richard Blackman compelled us to reflect on the struggles faced by some for a better life.


Richard Blackman (2nd place), Robin Poole (1st place), Dominic Bottrell, and Anne Harrison

Evaluation Contest 2014

The Evaluation Contest is also an annual Toastmasters contest, and contestants are judged on their feedback for the same keynote speech. This year’s keynote speaker was Joanna Percival, who delivered a speech on her creative journey as an artist inspired by light and dark. The contestants only had 5 minutes to prepare after Joanna’s speech, and they all gave incredibly positive, constructive, and encouraging evaluations.


Will Salmon, Richard Stapleton (2nd place), Samar Fargeiry (1st place), and Dan Harrison

Thank you

A big thank you to our Contest Chair, Diane Chamberlain, and our Chief Judge, Dean Chamberlain, who volunteered so much of their time to make the contest run flawlessly. We also had a record number for meeting attendance with over 40 audience members, so thank you very much to everyone who attended and participated!

What’s Happens Next for our Contestants?

Winners from our club will go on to compete at the Area 46 contest, and winners at that level will progress through higher levels. Keep an eye on our Events page for details coming soon, and come cheer them on!
