
The Grammarian listens for and reports on interesting language.

What’s great about this role:

This role is gives your listening skills a work out! It is also a great way to develop your evaluation skills too.


  • Prepare your role introduction.
  • Choose a word of the day and print it on a piece of paper. Typed is preferred to make the word easier to see. The purpose of the word is to encourage attendees to expand their vocabularies and incorporate this word throughout the night.
  • Prepare to explain the definition and give an example sentence.
  • Consider how you will take notes for your report at the meeting. Check out this sample Grammarian note taking form for an example.

At the meeting:

  • When introduced, briefly explain your role.
  • Announce the word of the day and give your example sentence.
  • Listen for:
    • creative use of language,
    • misuse of grammar or words,
    • use of the word of the day.
  • When you give your report, try to give the correct usage for every misuse.


To avoid going over time during your report, consider choosing a few creative uses of language, a few grammar improvements, and then report on the word of the day.
