Looking for information about meetings, and meeting roles at Hamwic Speakers?
You’re in the right place!
- Meeting Information
- Meeting Roles
- How to confirm attendance, sign up for a role, and request a speech – in 4 easy steps
- How to use the website guide – snapshots (some of the screens in these screenshots have changed appearance now, but they still work the same way)
Getting started online?
If you are used to face to face meetings, attending a meeting online can be a bit daunting. Getting used to talking to the glassy eye of a camera is a different experience. This article has some top tips to get you started: https://www.fastcompany.com/90568922/your-webcam-is-killing-your-leadership-presence-save-it-in-3-steps
What, three websites?
There are three websites for club business – this one you are on now which gives general information, then there is another website for our meeting management system www.southamptonspeakers.toastmasterclub.org and finally there is the Toastmasters International website www.toastmasters.org where you can access the Toastmasters learning management system.
There’s more information about the three websites in this guide: A Guide to Hamwic Speakers Club Websites
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