Hamwic’s Charter Dinner

By Keith Oliver

On Saturday 6 March 20 members and guests gathered at the Novotel Hotel in Southampton to formally recognise Hamwic’s achievement on becoming chartered as a fully fledged club in the Toastmaster family.

The pristine banner was prominently displayed and the evening was got under way by Division H Governor, Chris Howell, who handed the club
certificate to President Ken Amy, and was assisted by Area 42 Governor, Keith Oliver, in presenting Ken with his President’s badge and ribbon of
office. Appropriate toasts to the future of the club and to past, present and future members were roundly supported.

Following the main course, Gavin Meikle provided some light relief by giving Ken a ‘roast’, a speech which honours an individual in a goodnatured way by the use of jokes and anecdotes. Poor Ken’s foibles, mannerisms and character were laid bare for all to see, but he took it in
good spirit.

After the dessert we were entertained by Jayan Pillai, who performed his magic tricks to the amazement and amusement of all, even Gloria and Rich who were his assistants for several of the tricks. The evening concluded with general conversation amongst those present for some time after the formal ceremonies had concluded.

With Hamwic now formally chartered we all wish the club continuing success and growth over the coming years. A big thanks to all who organised the Charter Dinner, and for inviting me. It was a great occasion and I wish you all the best for the future – Keith Oliver, Area 42 Governor
