Run by a committee of volunteers, Hamwic Speakers Toastmasters club provides a supportive learning atmosphere to empower members with personal development of leadership and communication skills.
The Toastmasters’s committee year runs from 1 July – 30 June, and with less than two months remaining in the current year, elections for our club’s 2014-15 committe will be happening at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 27 May, 2014.
Getting involved with the committee is a great way to:
- Further develop your leadership and communication skills with opportunities to work on public speaking, organisation, and teamwork;
- Gain credit toward your Advanced Leader Bronze Award;
- Share your ideas and make a difference;
- Meet new people and become more involved with club;
- Learn more about Toastmasters; and
- Give back to the club!
The committee is composed of the following roles, listed below. There are positions available for all commitment levels and experience with Toastmasters. For more detailed information on each role available, please see Committee Roles Description April 2014
- PRESIDENT (Current holder: DAN) – the Chief Executive, responsible for general supervision and operation of the club. The person who ensures that we meet our objectives, learn and have fun!
- VICE-PRESIDENT EDUCATION (Current holder: DIANE) – plans club meetings and advises members so that they can work towards their educational goals. The VP Education concentrates on the communication manuals while the VP Leadership concentrates on the leadership aspects.
- VICE-PRESIDENT MEMBERSHIP (Current holder: Ken) – promotes membership building, liaises with guests and members , induction of new members.
- VICE-PRESIDENT PUBLIC RELATIONS (Current holder: Robyn) – promotes the club, its meetings, to keep up our visibility and help gain new members. Creative scope for setting up events!
- SECRETARY (Current holder: Rob) – maintains flow of information, makes a record of meetings.
- SERGEANT AT ARMS (Dom) – master of the location and equipment.
The above seven roles count towards the ALB award!
- WEBMASTER (Current holder: Rich) – Responsible for the management of the club website!
- MENTORING COORDINATOR (Current holder: Joanna)
- VP LEADERSHIP (Current holder: Vacant)
- SOCIAL SECRETARY (Current holder: Anne)
Nominations are currently being accepted for all roles. If you’re interested in getting involved, please contact any of our current committee members via the communications tab on our Toastmasters International D71 site or at our next meeting on 13 May, 2014.
In the words of our Immediate Past President, Richard Blackman: “your club needs you”!