Attend a meeting and sign up for a role

See details at:-

Hamwic Speakers uses the Toastmasters UK and Ireland portal to manage our meetings and track members project progress.

Log in at

If you don’t have an account on the Toastmasterclub site, you can create one, even if you are only a visitor. If you decide to join, we’ll convert your guest account to a fully fledged member account.

Please note that due to Toastmasters International Rules and insurance restrictions only people over 18 can join Hamwic Speakers.

Once logged in, go to the Next Meeting section at the left hand side of the screen and click to expand the section, as shown in the screenshot below, then click View Meeting. This will take you to a page where you can click to indicate you are attending and also choose a role to take in the meeting if you want.

You can also use the meeting page to request a speech at a future meeting, and elsewhere in the site you can track your progress through speaking and leadership projects.

The menu at the top of the Toastmaster Club website also gives access to other resources such as a list of club officers and details of other clubs in the area.
